Tuesday, January 22, 2008

..second day with her..

..This is about the second day of tutorial..I have prepared myself by answering the worksheet in my room before coming to class. For this purpose the time spent was only half an hour and of course, i could not complete all the questions.however, it turned out to be funny because she
resumed the discussion of the unfinished part on first question. I, on the other hand, had
only answered the later questions and left that first unfinished part.
I think this time is better than the first tutorial. We were more alive.. many
of my friends participated actively,that excluded me. However, there is one misunderstanding of one particular question..about Oedipus's tragic flaw. Many of us got it wrongly, that included me. It was clarified before we leftf. some of us provided correct answer about Oedipus's flaw. That day we learnt quite a lot than the first day..

We will be seeing her again next time.


nurul adha said...

yup...i agree with kausar. sometimes i feel a bit confused in learning all the themes and looking for the evidences inside the key scene and all the activites in class. however i enjoyed myself because we are learning together and discussing everything about drama in this class...right sis?

kausar daud said...

ai ai sis..we are having fun and hardship together, in this academic field..