Monday, January 14, 2008

the introduction of the subject

What a difficult yet interesting subject! This is what I have been figuring out in my mind for the first lecture of Teaching the Language of Drama. Most probably the difficulty is derived from new exposure about the history of theater that comprises western era which I am not acquainted with. Previously I never paid any great attention and interest in such matter. Perhaps this is due to no requirement for me to do so. Even though I have learnt a bit during my foundation course, I still found it difficult. The era, the names, the plays and so forth were all rather strange to me. Sometimes I thought what on earth was Dr. Edwin talking about? I could not spot any familiar things so that at least I would not feel lost in the middle of the lecture.

However, despite the difficulty that I faced, I also found that the subject is interesting. As Dr Edwin imparted the knowledge, I was waiting anxiously to hear the rest of the information about the subject. It resembles my pre-school year where I excitedly listened to the teachers teaching alphabets, numbers and to draw, which was everything new to a child. I also owe credits to Dr Edwin who, I think, is very knowledgeable with what he was lecturing on the other day. Otherwise, I would only feel bored since the subject is difficult.

     Last but not least, I hope things in the future will go smoothly for everyone of us.

1 comment:

noor sharizah jammuri said...

haha Yes Kausar, everything seems blur to us at the first time right.? But Sir Edwin has done a great job i think, to make all that history stuff into sense to us.. haha
Anyway, i agree with you 200% saying that Sir Edwin is a very knowledgable expert man in the battle of drama. So, we cannot bluff him after this.:p
He is 'the man.' Talking about the Breckians' and Aristotelians' plays made me having butterflies in my stomach at first. But i like learning it also. so, see you in class.!